Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bringing you up to date...

Now that winter has left finally, and that we have thawed out, I will attempt to catch up a bit.

January 16th was my 25th Birthday. A quarter of a century...oh my. It was lovely. Mom made a Gooney Bird Pie for my cake. It was the same thing mom always asked for on her birthday.

February, of course, we celebrated Valentines day. I made this special cookie for mom and daddy.

It was also Christiana's 3rd Birthday and I had the honor of making her cake. Strawberry cake with Swiss Meringue buttercream!

March is when we went to Florida to visit Ema. We rented a mini-van, packed up everything but the kitchen sink (including the dogs) and drove down for a few days.
It was nice weather, we had a great time being with Ema, and we also got to visit with some old friends that we haven't seen in a very long time.

One friend, Jayne, had a cheesecake in the oven for mom when we went to visit!

We were able to visit the Plaths on Silver Rain farm, dear, dear friends. We had a lovely time!

When we got back, it was Gabriella and Moms birthday. I was asked to do a princess cake for Gabby and mom did a raw cheesecake for herself.

Natalie-Rose likes to help with the clean-up... Boy, she looks wired!

Spring has sprung and welcome!

Natalie showing us the Kale.

We had our Spring performance of the Blue Ridge Homeschool choir. We missed so many rehearsals due to snow and we had a shorter semester due to the director's baby being due that we were all very pleased with how well everything went!

It's finally warm enough to enjoy the sand box!

April 4th was Resurrection Sunday! Natalie wore a fancy new dress and I made a coconut cake. Praise God for the gift He gave us on that day!

Dads watching the sweet little girls!

April 5th was Mom and Daddy's 30th wedding anniversary. I made a mini-replica of their wedding cake to celebrate. I was pleased at how it came out.

So, this, very briefly, brings us up to April and our trip to Isle of Palms. That will be covered in the next post.

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